
Our costs include 4 parts:
Special Offer: Include a $100 pre-paid deposit on your order, and we’ll deduct 10% off the final total.
** Valid only for orders $100 or greater. **

Transport -  Select One


Varies based on postal costs. You pay for the round trip of your items.

View more details here



near WNY only; round-trip

$8 within WNY

$25 to the Rochester Area



No fee. You must schedule a time with us for your drop-off and pick-up.


On-Site Transfers

By request; if the order can be completed at your home or business, there is an  $8/ hour rate plus the costs of processing and storage drives.



Does not include naming files with information; this service is offered for an optional fee (see below).


35¢ each


Slides, Negatives & Film

40¢ each



$18 each  - Records

$15 each  - Cassettes

$8 each  - CD (includes loading song names)



$20 each



30¢ per scan


Computer Files

$2 each  - CD-ROM

$2 each  - DVD; DVD-R

$5 each  - 3.5" Floppy Disk


Storage Drives - Select One

Flash Drive

** Most popular choice

There is a $5-10 cost for a flash drive you keep. Cost varies based on the amount/ size of files you have processed.  You can order multiple drives.


External Hard Drives

Beneficial for very large orders. Costs vary; we can discuss if this is your preferred option. 


Cloud Storage

If you have cloud storage, we can send your files at no charge.

Please Note: We do not set up cloud storage; this must be completed ahead of time by you.  


Optional Fees

Duplicate storage drive (flash/ thumb size)

$5-10 each

Specialized photo scanning/ extraction from albums or frames

50¢ extra per photo

Labeling digital files with information

50¢ per file

600 dpi photo resolution

5¢ extra per scan

Media Maintenance- includes editing, repairs, transcription etc.

$35/ hour

On-Site Processing

$8/ hour

Rush Orders

Processing & Optional fees are doubled

Non-transferable VHS, DVDs, records, cassettes and floppy disks (damaged, blank, copyrighted material, etc.)

$3 each - replaces processing fee